Assessor: Grota Appraisals, LLC
Address: N88W16573 Main Street, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin 53051
Phone Number: 262-253-1142
Fax Number: 262-253-4098
Attorney: Tim Lindau
Nowlan Law, LLP
100 S Main Street
Janesville, WI 53545
Mailing Address: P.O. BOX 8100, Janesville, Wisconsin 53547
Phone Number: 608-755-8100
Fax Number: 608-755-8110
100 S Main Street
Janesville, WI 53545
Mailing Address: P.O. BOX 8100, Janesville, Wisconsin 53547
Phone Number: 608-755-8100
Fax Number: 608-755-8110
Board of Adjustment
The Board of Adjustment shall have the following powers: (1) Errors. To hear and decide appeals where it is alleged there is error in any order, requirement, decision, or determination made by the Building Inspector, the Zoning Officer or by the Planning & Zoning Committee or its delegates in the enforcement of codes, regulations or ordinances under their jurisdiction. (2) Variances. To hear and grant applications for variances as will not be contrary to the public interest, where, owing to special conditions, a literal enforcement will result in practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship, so that the spirit and purposes of the Ordinance shall be observed and the public safety, welfare, and justice secured. Use variances shall not be granted, nor shall a variance be granted where the conditions exist as a result of a self-imposed hardship. (3) Interpretations. To hear and decide applications for interpretations of the codes, regulations, ordinances and the boundaries of the zoning districts after the Planning & Zoning Committee has made a review and recommendations. (4) Permits. The Board may reverse, affirm wholly or partly, modify the requirements appealed from, and may direct the issuance of a permit. (5) Assistance. The Board may request assistance from other town and county officials, departments, commissions, and boards. (6) Oaths. The Chairman, or in his absence the Acting Chairman, shall administer oaths and may compel the attendance of witnesses.
Board of Review
The Town of Rock Board of Review is made up of the Town Board members and the Assessor. Each Spring, there will be an Open Book held, to be followed by the Board of Review Hearings. Please see the Town Calendar for more information, once made available.
Rock Town Cemetery/Afton Cemetery
4303 West Cemetery Road
Janesville, WI 53548
Janesville, WI 53548
Clerk/Treasurer's Office
Address: 5102 S County Road D, Afton, Wisconsin 53501
Mailing Address: PO BOX 25, Afton, Wisconsin 53501
The Clerk's Office is open by appointment only.
The Town of Rock Elected Constable is Judy Thostenson.
Garbage/Recycle Pick Up: Waste Management
Address: 2301 W BR Townline Rd, Beloit, Wisconsin 53511
Phone Number: 608-473-0457
Services: Please leave a message at this number, an email message will be generated to Waste Management
If you need a new trash or recycling bin, or had a missed pickup, please contact the Town's Recycling Coordinator.
Building, Plumbing, and Electrical Inspector
Residential: Tim Kienbaum
Commercial: Bill Kienbaum
Address: RETURN PERMITS TO: 1545 Kellogg Ave, Janesville, WI 53546
Phone Number: 608-295-2765
Services: You may print a copy of the building permit application online, by clicking here.
Duties: Building Inspector [Revised by Ord. No. 2004-03 adopted 5/3/2004.] (1) It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector to administer, supervise and literally enforce the provisions of the Town of Rock Building Code. (2) The Building Inspector shall prepare building permit forms, assist any applicant in preparing any building permit application, advise the applicant as to the provisions of the Town Building Code, inspect each project for which a permit has been applied for or granted, report violations, and provide information to the Planning and Zoning Committee. The Building Inspector may issue Building Permits which are in strict compliance with the requirements of the Building Code and this Zoning Ordinance provided, however, that if a Zoning Permit is required, no Building Permit shall be issued by the Building Inspector until following the issuance of a Zoning Permit by the Zoning Officer. Whenever there is a question as to the literal requirements of the Building Code and/or this Ordinance, such question is to be brought by the Building Inspector directly to the Planning & Zoning Committee for its consideration.
Commercial: Bill Kienbaum
Address: RETURN PERMITS TO: 1545 Kellogg Ave, Janesville, WI 53546
Phone Number: 608-295-2765
Services: You may print a copy of the building permit application online, by clicking here.
Duties: Building Inspector [Revised by Ord. No. 2004-03 adopted 5/3/2004.] (1) It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector to administer, supervise and literally enforce the provisions of the Town of Rock Building Code. (2) The Building Inspector shall prepare building permit forms, assist any applicant in preparing any building permit application, advise the applicant as to the provisions of the Town Building Code, inspect each project for which a permit has been applied for or granted, report violations, and provide information to the Planning and Zoning Committee. The Building Inspector may issue Building Permits which are in strict compliance with the requirements of the Building Code and this Zoning Ordinance provided, however, that if a Zoning Permit is required, no Building Permit shall be issued by the Building Inspector until following the issuance of a Zoning Permit by the Zoning Officer. Whenever there is a question as to the literal requirements of the Building Code and/or this Ordinance, such question is to be brought by the Building Inspector directly to the Planning & Zoning Committee for its consideration.
Town of Rock Schedule of Building Permit Fees
Building Permit
Residential Buildings - Base Fee $750 (includes 2,500 SF of total area)
$0.15/SF (all remaining building areas)
Commercial Buildings- $0.15/SF, $200 minimum
Accessory Buildings- $0.10/SF, $100 minimum
Agricultural Buildings- $0.06/SF, $100 minimum
Electrical Permit Fees
Miscellaneous Wiring- $0.06/SF All areas, $100 minimum
Electrical Service- $100
HVAC Permit Fees
$0.06/SF All areas, $100 minimum
Plumbing Fees
$0.06/SF All areas, $100 minimum
Demolition Permit
Reinspection Fee
Planning and Zoning Committee
Address: 5102 S County Rd D, Afton, Wisconsin 53501
Office Hours: The Planning and Zoning Committee meet the last Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at Rock Town Hall, 5102 S. County Road D, Afton, WI
Services: (1) The Town Board or other public body having authority thereon, shall refer to the Planning & Zoning Committee, for its consideration and report before final action is taken by the Town Board or public body, the following matters: the location and architectural design of any public building; the location of any statue or other memorial; the location, acceptance, extension, alteration, vacation, abandonment, change of use, sale, acquisition, or lease of land for any street, alley or other public way, park, playground, airport, area for parking facilities, or other memorial or public grounds; the location, extension, abandonment or authorization for any public utility whether public or privately owned; all plats of land in the township; the location, character and extent, or acquisition, leasing or sale of lands for public or semi-public housing, slum clearance, relief of congestion, or vacation camps for children; and the abandonment or repeal of any ordinance adopted pursuant to planning and zoning. Unless such report is made within 45 days or such longer period as may be stipulated by the Town Board, the board or other public body may take final action without it.
Duties: The Planning & Zoning Committee shall have the following powers:
A) Building and Conditional Use Permits. To issue building permits when there is a question raised by the Building Inspector as to the literal requirements of this Ordinance and to issue conditional use permits when within the provisions of this Ordinance.
(B) Subdivisions. To review and recommend to the Town Board the approval or denial of preliminary and final subdivisions. Conditions of approval may be attached to preliminary or final approval.
(C) Substitutions. To hear and grant applications for substitution of more restrictive nonconforming uses for existing nonconforming uses, provided no structural alterations are to be made. Whenever the Committee permits such a substitution, the use may not thereafter be changed without the approval of the Committee.
(D) Unclassified Uses. To hear and grant applications for unclassified and unspecified uses, provided that such uses are similar in character to the principal uses permitted in the district.
(E) Temporary Uses. To hear and grant applications for temporary uses in any district, provided that such uses are of a temporary nature, do not involve the erection of a substantial structure, and are compatible with the neighboring uses. The permit shall be temporary, revocable, subject to any conditions required by the Planning & Zoning Committee and shall be issued for a period not to exceed twelve (12) months. Compliance with all other provisions of this Ordinance shall be required.
Town Hall/Park Rental
Address: 5102 S County Rd D, Afton, Wisconsin 53501
Public Information:
Town Hall Rent:
The Rock Town Hall is available to rent. A security deposit will be required at the time of booking. Cost is based on the size of the event as follows:
Resident Non-resident
Up to 50 people $100.00 $200.00
50-100 people $200.00 $350.00
Over 100 people $300.00 $500.00
Please contact Courtney for more information.
Zoning Officer - Tony Dubanowich
Address: RETURN PERMITS TO: 4833 Greenfield, Janesville, Wisconsin 53548
Phone Number: 608-931-2172
Services: You may print a copy of the zoning application online, by clicking here.
Public Information: To obtain a copy of the zoning application, click on resources, then under applications will be the zoning application.
Zoning Violations - David Diestler
Address: 5832 N Glenmoor Lane, Janesville, Wisconsin 53546
Phone Number: 608-752-3200